Pornography, 'The False Heaven of Modern Societies' and' The Implication for the Young Generation

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I Ketut Suda
Ida Bagus Rai
I Made Sila


This article intends to examine the phenomenon of pornography among the young generation, and its implications for the literature study approach. Data analysis showed that based on the results of research in one region of Indonesia, found 68.70% of the young generation claimed to have had sexual relations. As many as 93,00% claimed to have seen porn sites, and as many as 12,20% claimed to have had an abortion. Regarding the phenomenon of pornography among the young generation, there are at least three contributing factors, including: (1) the usage of internet networking sites freely; (2) poor understanding of adolescents about reproductive organs; and (3) low sexual education, both within the family and school. To prevent young generation from falling into pornography, there are a number of steps that are offered including: (1) should be actively involved in various positive activities; (2) should be active and creative in doing something in the interests of the nation and state; (3) should understand the various negative impacts that can be caused by having free sex; and (4) should be actively involved in the village development program, starting from the planning, implementation, and evaluation stages.

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How to Cite
Suda, I. K., Rai, I. B., & Sila, I. M. (2021). Pornography, ’The False Heaven of Modern Societies’ and’ The Implication for the Young Generation. Widya Accarya, 12(2), 177-185.


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