Using Social Story for Autistic Students to Improve Student’s Behavior in the Class at Australian Independent School in Academic Year 2020

  • Sunarsih Universitas Dwijendra
  • I Komang Dedik Susila Universitas Dwijendra
Keywords: autistic student, behavior management, social story, strategy


Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life. To deal with behavior management of an autistic student, the teacher must implement particular strategy. This study aimed at implementing social story for autistic students for behavior management. The problems of the study were formulated as (1) how teacher constructs a social story based on lesson plan or SMART, (2) how teacher implements social story (3) how teacher assesses students’ behavior. This study was qualitative case study analyzed the phenomenon of teaching using social story to improve student’s behavior in the class by teachers in Australian Independent School Bali. The subject of the study was a teacher at Australian Independent School Bali. The data were collected through observation, recording, interview, and document analysis. The findings show that (1) the teacher conducts lesson plan or SMART target that adopted from the students IEP, (2) the teachers practice to using social story for the autistic students to improve the student’s behavior based on the lesson plan through various methods, namely storytelling, drilling, giving project and task, playing, and feedback and (3) the teacher assesses the students behavior through process oriented assessment using observation, anecdote note, and portfolio. It can be concluded that the teacher of Australian Independent School Bali implements social story for behavior management of autistic students.


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How to Cite
Sunarsih, & I Komang Dedik Susila. (2020). Using Social Story for Autistic Students to Improve Student’s Behavior in the Class at Australian Independent School in Academic Year 2020. Widyasrama, 30(2), 31-38. Retrieved from