Law Enforcement Against Environmental Pollution in the Mangrove Forest Area

  • Ni Putu Yunika Sulistyawati Universitas Dwijendra
  • Sang Ayu Made Ary Kusumawardhani Faculty of Law, Dwijendra University, Denpasar, Indonesia
Keywords: Environmental Pollution, Law Enforcement, Mangrove Forest


Environmental pollution occurs when the cycle of matter in the environment changes. This contamination can come from human activities or natural processes, which causes the quality of the environment to not function as it should.  The type of research that the authors use in this research is legal science research with empirical aspects. The legal basis for regulating environmental pollution regarding mangove forests is regulated in Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management in Chapter XV, namely starting from Article 97 to Article 120 UUPPLH. Law Enforcement Against Environmental Pollution in the Mangrove Forest Area, Against Environmental Pollution in the Badung Bali Mangrove Forest area regarding Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management contained in Article 3 UUPPLH 2009 besides that Related to the Ecosystem of Environmental Pollution in the Badung. Bali Mangrove Forest Area so that the principle of certainty, the principle of openness, the principle of decentralization and the role of the regional government can be observed to regulate and maintain so that pollution and environmental damage does not occur either through pollution or protecting the environment destruction of the Badung mangrove forest from the results of violating Article 98 paragraph 1 of Law no. 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management. threatened with imprisonment for a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 10 years and a fine of at least Rp. 3 billion and a maximum of Rp. 10 billion.


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How to Cite
Yunika Sulistyawati, N. P., & Sang Ayu Made Ary Kusumawardhani. (2023). Law Enforcement Against Environmental Pollution in the Mangrove Forest Area. Journal of Sustainable Development Science, 5(1), 1-9.