Opinion Leader Dalam Perkembangan Teknologi Komunikasi

  • Anak Agung Gede Bagus Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi


Rapid technology advancement is inevitable in our daily life, even though not every technologycan solve every problem in our life, in particular the development of communication still notcapable to solve communication problem in its function as communication media, especiallywhen it comes to spreading the information throughout the village. Geological condition, socialeconomy, social relationship is some of the factor that we need to notice, in order to spread theinformation. The nature of this condition in communication study is called “Gap of informationâ€which mean the domination of certain peoples to acces the information source, because of thatin order to solve this matter, there is always tradion for people to dig information from opinionleader. So the necessity of information development for the villager will be fulfilled andspreading for information to the village and for all of the country will be materialized.social system, the description of this condition is a form of what we called “Dynamic aEqualibrium†In which mean, the transformation of technology advancement of communicationcannot be stopped at this day, but the social value which has been the root of human life willstill be used as a tradition that we should preserved, especially the opinion leader as the sourceof information for the villager.Keyword : Opninion Leader, Communication Development Technology.


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